Wow - I can't believe it's been MONTHS since I last updated.
Well the latest and greatest news - Mike and I remarried December 26, 2008. We are both very different people than we were at 21 and 22 - when we got married the first time (and even more different than we were at 27 and 28 - when we got divorced)
We were laughing the other day because we realized we were divorced longer than we were married the first time around.
We kept it very simple. (No pictures because my camera died as we tried to take the 1st picture) Bishop Bramwell married us in the Relief Society room at the church. We only invited the kids, and my grandparents (to also act as witnesses). My mom came too. We chose the 26th because Sarah was home for Christmas and it was important to me that she was there.
It's a little weird being married after being single for so long. I didnt have to ask if I could afford the scrapbooking supplies, or remember to let him know I had a RS leadership meeting, or let anyone know that I take dinner once a month to my grandparents, and the weirdest thing of all is remembering to call him my hushband and not "my ex" lol
Things are stressful right now. I can't find a job and he refuses to let me call Wes and see if he'd rehire me even though Chris quit. (In a way I'm relieved lol)
So there it is in a nutshell.. Life is good - very good!